
Showing posts from October, 2017


Hello Foodies !!!😄 Welcome to my blog FOODIES HUB... Today in this blog I'm going to share with you people very yummy STREET STYLE MAGGI recipe which is very easy in making with very basic and limited ingredients. so lets get started. STRRET STYLE MAGGI is one of the most famous variety of MAGGI that is served on streets mostly during midnight. This is one of the yummiest variety of MAGGI. This is a go to snack if you are too hungry and have no time to prepare any extravaganza meal and without any doubt its the most yummiest meal. MAGGI :-   Maggi is an international brand of seasonings, instant soups, and noodles that originated in SWITZERLAND in late 19th century. The Maggi company was acquired by NESTLE in 1947. Noodles :-  Maggi instant noodles are popular in India, Pakistan and Malaysia. Nestle has 39% market share in Malaysia, where "Maggi" is synonymous with instant noodles, and had 90% market share in India.  In Malaysia, fried noodles made